Do You Suffer from Dry Eye?
We all occasionally experience dry eyes, particularly in response to windy days or irritants like campfire smoke. However, if you often experience dry, itchy, or irritated eyes regardless of environmental stimulation you may be suffering from chronic dry eye disease.
For Your Dry and Irritated EyesDry eye disease is an incredibly common condition that affects many Canadians, and symptoms can range from minimal, occasional dryness to constant irritation. If left untreated, dry eye diseases can lead to significant inflammation and even corneal scarring.
It is important to seek lasting relief for your dry eye diseases by booking an appointment with VisionWorks today!

Contact Lenses
People who wear contact lenses tend to be more at risk for developing dry eye disease.Dry Air
The dry air in heated rooms in winter or air-conditioned rooms in summer may be sufficient to cause dry eye disease symptoms. Smoky environments can also cause dryness symptoms.Screen Time
Increased screen time in today’s modern world has led to more people suffering from dry eye disease. Screens cause us to blink less, which impacts the glands that are responsible for making high-quality tears. When your eyes become dry and irritated the surface of your eye becomes stressed, leading to inflammation.Teary Eye
A watery or teary eye can be caused by dry eye disease.What is Dry Eye Diseases (DED)?
DED can be classified into two main groups: evaporative dry eye and aqueous deficient dry eye. The more we learn about this condition we find that most DED sufferers have a combination of the two. Evaporative dry eye occurs when the meibomian glands (MGs) do not produce enough oil to sit on top of the tear layer preventing it from evaporating. The MGs can produce less oil or poor quality oil because of several reasons, including blocked or obstructed glands, inflamed glands or a diet lacking in certain essential fatty acids. Aqueous deficient dry eye occurs when the lacrimal gland is not producing enough of the watery portion of the tear layer. The most common causes would be low-grade inflammation or auto-immune diseases such as psoriasis, arthritis or rosacea.
Dry Eye Treatments
iLux (thermal gland expression)
Advanced dry eye treatment device which heats the meibomian glands evenly from the back while simultaneously massaging upper and lower glands to express rancid and solidified oils from the glands.
Studies show a 300% increase in meibomian gland function 4 weeks after treatment.
Video on iLux procedure